5 Reasons to Attend: An Empowered Approach to Critical Incidents in Clinical Supervision Webinar

Why should we focus on critical incidents in clinical supervision? Not only is it important to support quality client care, exploring a variety of critical incidents is vital for supervisors to feel prepared for anything that comes our way within our clinical supervision work with supervisees. It’s what makes the 2nd Edition of our book, The Empowerment Model of Clinical Supervision stand out, allowing folks to take a deeper dive into their leadership with supervisees through 47 thought-provoking vignettes.


So why should you attend our live webinar on the subject, scheduled for April 28th, 9am-12pm MT? Here are 5 reasons to join us:


Reason #1 You learn best from others.

This webinar encourages discussion and sharing as colleagues, which can add a richness of perspective in how to respond to critical incidents as a supervisor. Since there is no one ‘right way’ to respond to a critical incident, hearing from fellow participants as well as the facilitators can help you soldify your response and protocols in real time.


Reason #2 You want clearly defined examples of critical incidents for your supervision work.

Some of us struggle to define what a critical incident is to our supervisees. Explore language for describing a critical incident as well as ten examples we present within the webinar itself.


Reason #3 You want templates to document critical incidents in your practice.

Why wouldn’t you want to take some of the guess work out by grabbing the templates we provide? You’ll get a chance to try out the template within our training and will leave with a digital copy you can modify for your own needs.


Reason #4 You want 10 vignettes handy for use in your practice.

In addition to getting a critical incident template and Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) template for work with supervisees, maybe you are excited to take the critical incident examples back to your team or want to explore them in individual supervision sessions. By attending our webinar, you’ll get our 10 vignettes in a PDF for this purpose.


Reason #5 You need continued education in clinical supervision!

Perhaps you are seeking continued education specific to supervision? Both Colorado LPCC supervisors and ACS supervisors have a certain number of hours to obtain in each renewal period. By attending our live webinar, you will be given a certificate of participation reflecting 3.0 contact hours of training material in clinical supervision!


So there you have it! 5 good reasons to join us Friday April 28th 9am-12pm for our 3 hour live webinar on “An Empowered Approach to Critical Incidents in Clinical Supervision.” Don’t miss this opportunity, which includes several handouts and a certificate of completion to meet DORA’s continued education requirements for LPCC supervisors and counts towards ACS continued education too!