Visionary Supervisor Spotlight: Shannon Heers

We are all about celebrating amazing mental health leaders and clinical supervisors, with plans to highlight one visionary supervisor each month!

This month’s spotlight is Shannon Heers, LPC, LMHC, CAS, ACS

You are quite a force in the supervision community Shannon! What types of supervision do you offer and to whom?

I offer individual, triadic, and group clinical supervision to LPCCs in Colorado and LMHCAs in Washington. I also offer clinical consultation (individual and group) to fully licensed therapists, counselors and social workers anywhere. I also offer supervision of your clinical supervision to clinical supervisors working with interns, provisionally licensed therapists, and fully licensed therapists.


What makes you a visionary in supervision?

Ooh good question, I love this. I am a relationship-based clinical supervisor, which means that I believe that learning occurs within the context of our supervisory relationship. Developing and continuing to prioritize our supervisory relationship is of utmost importance to me, while still working on skill development, self-as-therapist, and honing a supervisees’ theoretical orientation and clinical interventions.


What is your favorite thing about providing clinical supervision?

I love the learning and development process and being a part of a therapist’s journey. Having a bigger impact on clients through working with and helping to develop great clinicians is also very important to me.

We love that you are thinking of both the supervisee and client experience! Where can people find you to learn more about your offerings?

Visit me at for more information!

Stay tuned for another visionary supervisor spotlight next month!